Category Archives: Core Fundamentals

Hit Your Two-Handed Backhand Like the Pros

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Just like the forehand, every stroke should always begin with a split step, pivot, and simultaneous coiling of the upper body while taking the racquet back into its final preparation position. As you coil and take the racquet back with … Read the rest of this entry

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Hit Your Forehand Like The Pros

Tennis Players of all Levels, Every stroke should always begin with a split step, pivot, and simultaneous coiling of the torso while taking the racquet back into its final preparation position. As you coil and take the racquet back with … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in Core Fundamentals, Tennis Players of All Levels | Comment Now

Three Core Fundamentals

Tennis Players of all Levels,

Would you like to hit the ball with more consistency from the baseline? Add more depth on your ground strokes?
When you apply the fundamentals you are about to read, it will immediately impact your game.

All the great ball strikers in history have shared in these exact “Three Core Fundamentals”. When you practice and do them correctly, you will achieve a great deal of consistency and depth from the baseline. Read the rest of this entry

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