Three Core Fundamentals

Would you like to hit the ball with more consistency from the baseline? Add more depth on your ground strokes?

When you apply the fundamentals you are about to read, it will immediately impact your game. All the great ball strikers in history have shared in these exact “Three Core Fundamentals”. When you practice and do them correctly, you will achieve a great deal of consistency and depth from the baseline.

Core Fundamental #1

Early #1 (Proper Preparation): You must have your #1 back and set (final preparation) with proper balance by the time the ball bounces on your side of the court. If racquet is not back and set early it will cause the contact point to be late, you will have to hurry the forward swing to catch the racquet up to meet the ball at the desired contact point making you change your technique.

Proper Preparation

Core Fundamental #2 – The single most important dynamic to striking the ball consistently!

Proper Contact Point: Always hit the ball equal height off the ground (Waist/chest height) and equal distant from the body and out in front of your front foot. Proper contact point will be achieved by efficient footwork. When proper contact point is done correctly, then you will be able to produce the same technique over and over again without having to adjust your swing.

Proper Contact Point

Core Fundamental #3

Recovery: As soon as you hit the ball and finish your stroke, you should recover and split step to the best geometric position on the court before your opponents makes contact with the ball. Positioned of recovery will be adjusted according to ball recognition. The better position you are in before you move to strike a ball, the more options you will have when you get to that ball. To accomplish proper recovery, you must burst back into position as soon as the ball leaves your strings in anticipation of where that next ball will be hit.

Example of where to recover: If you hit the ball deep to the deuce side of your opponent’s court, you should recover to your deuce side of the court, two steps to the right of the hash mark and two steps back.


Next time you are watching the pros on TV, look and see how they apply the “Three Core Fundamentals”.

Now it’s time for you to get on the court and practice these fundamentals so you can apply them to your game.

To your tennis success,
Jimmy Mendieta

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